Ignoring other signs of potential truck malfunctions and maintenance needs.Ignoring “Check Engine” lights and other warnings.Failure to repair or replace worn cargo straps, tie downs, and other critical components.Failure to repair or replace balding tires.Failure to perform routine maintenance on engines and transmission systems.Delaying the replacement or topping off of oil, brake fluid, and other fluids.Some of the more-common examples of truck maintenance issues that tend to lead to accidents include: While some maintenance issues pose greater risks than others, all types of maintenance issues have the potential to cause accidents on the road. This is why the FMCSA imposes such strict maintenance regulations for trucking companies, and it is why victims and families are entitled to just compensation when accidents occur. Tractor trailers, 18-wheelers, tanker trucks, and other large commercial vehicles are extraordinarily complex – far more so than ordinary passenger vehicles – and even minor malfunctions have severe consequences. Maintenance issues can impact virtually all components of a commercial truck. What are Common Maintenance Issues with Big Rigs?
#Big rig truck repair in florida driver#
While driver negligence is the leading cause of truck accidents by far, maintenance issues play a role in a significant number of accidents as well.

When seeking financial compensation, it is necessary to identify the specific issues involved in your (or your loved one’s) accident. There are many different issues that can cause serious and fatal commercial truck accidents. If you have been seriously injured or a loved one has been killed due to a truck maintenance issue, we can make sure you receive the financial compensation you deserve. Our Florida big rig accident lawyers have decades of experience helping accident victims recover. Regulations promulgated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) impose strict maintenance requirements and, under Florida law, trucking companies and other entities can be held fully liable when maintenance issues cause and contribute to serious collisions. Trucking companies and other commercial entities have a legal obligation to keep their trucks safe on the road. Trucking Companies Need to Be Held Responsible for Maintenance Issues.